Our Engagement Process

Search Start-Up

  1. The Search Start-Up begins with face-to-face meetings with our team and the hiring authority, human resources and other individuals who will be part of the hiring process.
  2. Detailed discussion of the position including:
    1. Develop at least 5 – 7 key attributes of the ideal candidate.
    2. Discuss any challenges and or special initiatives that the person will face coming into the role.
    3. Determine Reporting Relationships.
    4. Discuss the Soft Skills of the ideal candidate.
    5. Talk about the growth opportunity for this person.
    6. Discuss Travel requirements, if applicable.
    7. Will the company consider relocating someone for this position?
    8. Review compensation parameters including base, bonus, sign-on, vacation and possible stock or equity associated with the position.
    9. Discuss the timing of getting someone hired and on-board.
  3. Discuss any conflicts of interest for both parties.
  4. Outline the search strategy; Target Companies, Competitor landscape, industry associations to target, what level/title to focus on.
  5. Agree on Terms and Conditions of the search agreement.



Once the search Start-Up is complete, SNRG Corporation begins the Research Phase. We begin to put together a comprehensive list of target or source companies and individuals within those companies who we will begin to recruit.  These companies are usually direct competitors.  If during the Search Start-Up it’s determined that the ideal candidate could potentially come from companies or industries other than direct competitors, we will include these companies on our source list as well.  We are seeing more of our clients looking at professional talent outside of their direct competition.

The research phase is a sustained effort until a desired pool of candidates are developed who meet the qualifications.


As the research team identifies the pool of candidates from the source companies, our candidate development team will begin to make direct contact with specific individuals and present the company and the opportunity.  We actually become ambassadors of our clients because we are in the market selling you and your unique opportunity. If the search is confidential or needs to be treated as such, we will make no mention of the company until which time it is decided that you have an interest in speaking with an individual about the opportunity.

Once an individual has expressed an interest and is qualified, we will personally meet with that person over a lunch or coffee and thoroughly vet them for the position. As a result of this interview, we provide a comprehensive write-up on their background, strengths, and core competencies based on the key attributes as well as their soft skills and management style.   This will include a complete overview of their current compensation and any other relevant information necessary to successfully recruit the individual.



our process

Our commitment to you is to provide at least three qualified candidates early on in the search who are interested, and you approve of.  These candidates will be top industry professionals in their respective company.  The ultimate deciding factor is oftentimes simply the personality match or the culture fit, which will determine who the finalist candidate will be.  We will continue to source prospective candidates until the search is completed.  We believe that there should be a solid pipeline of qualified candidates until we get an offer acceptance.

During the search process, we will also provide you an ongoing summary of the search progress and we can discuss how often you would like to receive this report during our search kick-off as well as scheduling a weekly call if applicable.


We will work with you to help formulate and structure the most competitive offer. Oftentimes, the accepted offer has to be creative in its formulation and presentation. Our commitment to you is to assist in every phase of this process, including the presentation of the offer to the candidate if that is something you would like us to facilitate.


Every search is unique and has its own set of variables from the day we begin the assignment to the day the person shows up for their first day of work. Typically, a classic search is completed in 90 days. Depending on the level of individual we are recruiting, sometimes a candidate may be required to give more than a 2-weeks notice that may affect the actual start date.


At SNRG Corporation we will work on a project until you are happy with the successful hire. We offer you a year replacement guarantee in the event the candidate does not work out.  No questions asked.  We will replace with no additional fee.  In almost 30 years, we can pride ourselves that we have NEVER had to replace anyone.

Additional Value Provided

One of SNRG Corporation’s core values is our openness and transparency with our clients. Though we are a global company, we provide a very personalized search experience. We are very cognizant of the high demands on your time, therefore, you will only have one SNRG point of contact, and we will work with your administrative assistant for all scheduling activities. We are also very flexible and work to make the search process as seamless as possible.

We look forward to working with you and developing a long-term partnership.
